First snow!!!

Oktober 31, 2008 at 11:34 am (Logbuch)

first snow

first snow

Hey everybody!

Yesterday it starts snowing in Västerås and there is still laying snow on the ground! …So i think this was the shortest autumn i ever had. It was only 6 or 7 weeks between T-Shirt-Weather and „Damn i need Glowes and a Hat“

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Oktober 27, 2008 at 8:51 pm (Uncategorized)

Hej Hej!

I just updated the gallery „Just Pictures“

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„Du har Uppehållsrätt som studerande….“

Oktober 27, 2008 at 8:07 pm (Logbuch)


Hab heute endlich die offizielle Aufenthaltsgenemigung von der Migrationsbehörde bekommen!


…Dann bin ich ja endlich komplett legal hier!


jetzt hau ich mir erstmal nen bier inne pfanne und trink ein paar fischstäbchen!

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Bremer zu besuch!

Oktober 14, 2008 at 11:35 am (Logbuch)

Hey Hey!

Da bin ich mal wieder mit nen paar neuigkeiten!

I’m back with some news!

von Sonntag auf Montag hatten wir Maria und Mutz zu besuch in Västerås!

Maria aus Kopenhagen und Mutz aus Stockholm!

War nen eher chilliger besuch…Halt von Sonntag auf Montag! …War aber ne schöne kurze zeit!

from sunday till sunday we had two visitors (Maria from Kopenhagen and Mutz from Stockholm).

It was a more Chilled visit because it was sunday…

Als erstes haben wir die beiden vom Bahnhof abgeholt und sind mit dem Auto direkt to Anundshög gefahren! ( das ist eine alte Wikingergrabstädte in der nähe von Västerås )

First we went to Anundshög (its an old place with Vikinggraves near Västerås)

Mutz, Jonas und Maria

Mutz, Jonas und Maria


…Its a nice Place!

After that we went to a grocery shop to buy the stuff to make Pizza by our selves! (for 10 persons)

..its not so easy to estimete the dimensions for so many people!!

but it was really enough and it was very tasty …everybody put what ever he want on his part of the Pizza!

…very Colorful!

kitchen at Hülpherschgatan

kitchen at Hülpherschgatan



i dont have some more pictures of this evening!

…but it was a chilled sunday evening! ….just talking, listen to musik and stuff like that!

Next day we had to get up early because Mutz had to catch a early train back to Stokholm and we (Jonas, Max, Christoph and me) had to do an presentation for our Windpowerprojekt!

After that we met Maria in the city for some sightseeing!

…That means:  Maria has the plan and leads us through our city!

somewere in the old part of the city

somewere in the old part of the city

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* Abwesenheitsnachricht nr.2 *

Oktober 6, 2008 at 1:11 pm (Logbuch)


Wollt nur mal kurz sagen, dass es mich noch gibt!

Hab blos nicht viel zeit! …Wie immer

Hab gleich Schwedischunterricht und danach bin ich sicherlich irgendwo anders!

Kubb spielen, oder In der Hülphersgatan WG nen film schaun, oder Im Junior zum Wizzard spielen oder in der Park WG bei Kaja oder sonstwo… bin halt sehr selten zuhause! Darum schreib ich in der Letzten zeit auch eher selten etwas in meinen Blog.

Kaja und mein Lieblingsfinne Miko

Kaja und mein Lieblingsfinne Miko

Ich pack gleich noch ein paar fotos von den letzten Tagen in die gallery!

over and out

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Trip to Gothenborg

September 25, 2008 at 2:25 pm (Trips)

This Weekend we were in Gotenborg.

Only from Sunday 2pm till Monday 6pm.  Thats not long but it was enough to have a lot of fun in this beautyful city.


First we went to our hotel named „Hotel Ibis“

It was a reaaly nice Hotel on a old Ferry with cheap 3 bed rooms near the Central Station and the big mall in Gotenborg.

Hotel Ibis

Hotel Ibis

after the Check in we were makin us on our way to the mall to eat some Pasta.



in the mall some of us had a big all-you-can-eat lunch at Pasta Puego. I was so completle filled up after that only want to go to bed!

But after the Lunch we startet a sightseeingtour somewere in the city… Just walk around, take „some“ pictures and we had a lot of fun!!!

look at this Huuuuge fountain!!

look at this Huuuuge fountain!!

At 5 pm we joined a sigthseeing boat! It was really funny because some bridges in Gotenborg are so flat that the boatpassengers have to duck on the floor when the boat is passing.

The next Attraction was the „Liseberg Amusementpark“ (Rollercoaster!!!!)

After the nice boattrip and the short visit in the Amusementpark most of us were hungry. …of course I was really hungry!

So we went to somewere in the city and everybody ate somewere a Kebab, Pizza or something else..

Finally we met in a small Pub (i have no idea were it was!?) at a small place in the old part of the city!

…On our way back to the hotel we met some strange drunken „sailorman“ was funny but we were tired and some of us only want to go to bed. Some of us weren’t able to find a end …so we drank our last beer at the hotelbar. But by and by everybody had to go to sleep.



The next day started at 9 am with a very good, big breakfast. A great start!

The only destination for the day was to go to the Universeum.

It is a mixture of a zoo and science-amusement-stuff !? …But it was really interesting and fun!

little green frogs!

little green frogs!

the Tropic house

the Tropic house

After the visit at the Universeum we had some more time to walk throgh the city!

…so we decided to climb up there:

on our way up we dindn’t find the common way to go up there!

…so we had to make it by our own!

some Hiking

some Hiking

It was a really good idea to climb up there! …It was a really great view over Gothenborg!

After that we had to go back to the hotel to pick up our stuff and get our train back to Västerås.

…I don’t want to write more now …I think its enough!

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Swedisch Party..

September 24, 2008 at 1:58 pm (Partys)


bin etwas spät drann…

I’m a little late...

…Aber ich fang trotzdem erstmal mit letztem Samstag an. Samstag war ich eigendlich ziemlich platt. Ich Bin recht spät aufgestanden, hab lange gefrühstückt und so… Hab dann recht lange im Heat and Power Technology -Kompendium gelesen. Eigendlich wollte ich meine Wohnung nicht verlassen!…

…But anyway i will start with last saturday. Actually I had a really hanover… I got up very late, had a long breakfast and so on… Then i was reading in the Heat and Power Technoloy -compendium for some time. There was no reason for leavin my flat….

Irgendwann so um 17 oder 18 Uhr wurde mir dann doch extrem langweilig! Also hab ich mich mal um gehört, was am Abend so für Sachen geplant sind. Bin dann erstmal in meine Lieblings WG gefahren um da mit Jonas, Molley und co ein wenig rumzugammeln (die sahen auch nich nach Partylaune aus…)

somewhen at 5 or 6 pm i was getting more and more bored!! So i looked around if there are some plans for the evening. then first i went to my favorite accomodation and met with jonas, molley and some others to hang around (they also didn’t look like they are in mood to party…)

…Naja .. wie das dann halt so ist! Ich glaub Nils hat uns angerufen. (In der nähe war ein kleines „Indipopkonzert“ ) also kurz frischgemacht und los gehts..

Ok ich hab keine Fotos gemacht! Es war ein recht seltsames, kurzes Konzert einer schwedischen Schülerband. Mehr kann ich dazu nich sagen.

Aber dann… Wir haben uns dann noch breitschlagen lassen auf eine Schwedische Party zu gehen. War auch ganz lustig da! Seltsam aber lustig.

umm, well…  like it is everytime! I think it was Nils who called us. (close by there was a small „Indipopopconcert“ ) so fast freched up and here we go..

Ok I made no Pictures! It was a strange, short concert of an Swedisch schoolband. There is not more to say about it.

But then… They convinced us to go on an swedisch party.  It was really funny there …strange but funny!

Schwedische Officeparty

Swedisch Officeparty



at the end the ERASMUS-people were rockin the party by there own…

…beer and wine was for free!

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Kåren again..

September 19, 2008 at 12:48 pm (Partys)


Yesterday it was really funny!!

the evening starts at norra with some strange Hungarian drinkin games. I don’t remember the rules but is was

…äh yeah… Strange!

But it was really funny!

After that went to the Kåren-Disconight!

at the beginning it was totally empty …only 3 or 4 People on the dancefloor and 6 or 7 people at the bar. But we already paid the entrance we bought us a Beer and we just were watching whats happening next…

Than after 30 or 40 minutes more and more people came in and it was going fuller and fuller… and or course more and mor Funny!

nearly empty dancefloor..

nearly empty dancefloor..


…and after my second beer i recognized that i had to much Jägermeister and Becks at Norra and on my way to Kåren….

I had really a lot of fun but …. I was a little out of controll i think..!?!

"some" spanish people

… i like the spanish people they’re always having much fun!!

ok thats enough for today!

over and out

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September 17, 2008 at 8:39 am (Logbuch)

Moin Moin!

Da bin ich endlich mal wieder.

Leider auch nur ganz kurz.

Ich muss gleich zu Christoph, wo wir uns, fleissig wie nunmal alle sind, zum lernen treffen! Der Sack hat sich den Ellenbogen angebrochen…. kann also weder Auto noch Rad fahren.

Fotos stell ich zur zeit keine rein, weil ich keine mache….die Kamera is ohne Tasche so schlecht mitzunehmen!

…ein neues hab ich..

is jetzt nich so spannend auch kein Foto ...aber immerhin nen Bild.

is jetzt nich so spannend auch kein Foto ...aber immerhin nen Bild.

Das is die Skizze die ich von dem kleinen Kraftwerk gemacht habe …das dürfen wir dem nächst ganz alleine manuell gegen die Wand fahren….

…freu mich schon drauf!!!

…so ich muss los.

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hangover … or not hangover!? .. thats the question!

September 14, 2008 at 10:30 am (Logbuch)

Hi Folks!

Its sunday again….

my head akes and I think i will have a hangover-day…

…But wait…

..maybe there’s the BBQ on Björnö today!?

At the moment most of the Partypeople are still sleeping or just waking up! …I’m actually somethin between that… I think i will wait maybe an hour and than i will call some people to make Plans for the BBQ.

so thats it for the moment.

At this evening i gonna to write some more about the last days!


..over and out

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